Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lack of vision and maturity belittles our nation

By Kelli Lundgren

Gas prices too high? Blame the president. The economy growing too slowly? Blame the president. Health care costs are no problem for you? Criticize Democrats. Finding society morally reprehensible? Make it more difficult for women to obtain contraception while the men creating laws ensure Viagra's blanket health insurance coverage. Offer food to North Korea for government cooperation? Attack our president for politicking.

Some facts: the speculative commodities market affects gas prices even though U.S. oil production is at an all time high and we export much of our oil. Should the federal government take control of this free market? Maybe not, or maybe remove it as a commodity. But that would be federal government intervention, a taboo to Republicans.

Our economy is slowly pulling out of a recession, rather than a decades-long depression because our federal government provided a safety net by going further into debt. This trigger historically happens in every recession, whether under a Democratic or Republican president, but this time it was added on top of two unfunded wars and years of irresponsible debt build up. If we remember correctly the 2008 recession had been induced by an out-of-control free market as our U.S. Congress looked the other way.

Other facts: Health care costs are soaring, so is health insurance. You want to live, pay.

Lives will be saved with food sent to North Korea. Shouldn’t this matter more than politicking?

For Republicans shouting states rights, they seem to expect just about everything from President Barack Obama. I hear messages: Give us federal money and earmarks, don’t tell us what to do, and accuse the federal government of fiscal irresponsibility. Everything difficult in our county is the president’s fault, everything good can only be brought by Republicans, those that seem to forbid compromise, those glued to Wall Street.

I love free markets. I am an entrepreneur. But some markets have made themselves no longer free.

I am a person, but my corporation is not a person. Big corporations pay big campaign dollars and have many politicians wrapped around their big balance sheets (I can't say "little fingers" because those are reserved for people).

At the same time, human and equal rights, and tolerance, are being threatened by presidential candidates. Even Utah’s local leaders are failing non-discrimination laws and retracting proven-effective sex education in schools.

I'm hearing too many "We know what's best for women" comments by male presidential wannabes lately. Why would any woman, or couple planning their family, vote for one of these guys? I do not understand any willingness to submit to this demeaning behavior, but I also understand this is just my opinion.

Sensibility somehow needs to eventually prevail or we, the people, will not progress as a society, or more broadly, as a civilization.

Where are vision and maturity in our leaders? Where are facts and rationale? These attributes and truths seem to be lacking in too many politicians.


(Opinions only of Ms. Lundgren. My dear friends and political activists in Represent Me Utah! may or may not agree.)

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